Let's work together to improve attendance
As with attendance, we place a high priority on punctuality. We believe that 'every second counts' and being on time is a key life skill which sets up our pupils for a successful future. The impact of lateness is not only felt by the pupils themselves, in terms of missed education, but also can be disruptive for the class as a whole.
We monitor punctuality closely and in cases where we have identified repeated lateness and have concerns, we invite parents to a 'School late attendance meeting', during which we discuss with the parents/carers strategies for improving punctuality. We aim to work in a cooperative partnership with parents/carers, finding solutions to create consistent punctuality which always have the child's best interests at heart.
If a pupil is absent and no message has been received, the Office calls the parents/carers and seeks reasons for absence. We have additional emergency contact beyond the parents/carers to support any need to make contact. If contact cannot be made, a Safe and Well Welfare visit will be made to the home address by staff.
Late collections
We also monitor and record late collections. We expect all children from Reception to Year 6 to be collected at 3.15pm. If the child is not collected within 10 minutes of this time the parents/carers will be contacted. If a parent or carer expects to arrive late for any reason, we ask that they inform the School Office as soon as possible. Late collection can cause upset to children and also cause added work for school staff. In cases of repeated late collection, we will arrange a meeting with parents/carers to find an acceptable solution. We also ask parents/carers to let the class teacher or the office know if they need a different adult is to collect their child.